Weekly Report & Paper: Brain in Balance [BIB] Chapters 4, 5, & 6 Textbook: Von S

Weekly Report & Paper:
Brain in Balance [BIB] Chapters 4, 5, & 6
Von Stieff, Fred. (2011). Brain in Balance: Understanding the genetics and neurochemistry behind addiction and sobriety. San Francisco: Canyon Hill Publishing.
The purpose of these weekly reports is to use the information that you learned this week to help someone now. You will need to demonstrate a practical application of what you have learned. Using events of the past will not be permitted– your application must be within the duration of this course. Specifically, apply what you have learned in the same week that the information was presented. You will utilize the a,b,c format listed below to organize your paper. If the alphabetized outline form is not used including captions, then points will be taken off. Do not put this in essay form and simply submit your responses.
Each student will offer a written report for every class. This report shall consist of the following:
1) The written report offers specific details of how you took an idea from either the lecture, the textbook BRAIN IN BALANCE [cite page] or the PowerPoint presentation [cite slide] and either observed the behavior in another [case study] or utilized information in class in a real life situation either at home, work, church, school or some other group setting.
2) In this report you will mention;
a) The specific idea/concept from last class that you used, [1 sentence]
b) Your understanding of the idea, [1 – 3 sentences]
c) The time, date and location that you shared this information with another person, [1 sentence]
d) Tell explicitly how you did it, [1 – 3 sentences]
e) Describe the exact response from others [3 – 5 sentences]
f) If the desired result was obtained, [1 sentence]
g) If not, then what you could have been done to improve to get your desired result. [1 – 3 sentences]

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