Translating Theory into Evidence-Based Practice: A Seven-Step Sequence for Nurses


Please respond to the discussion below using the current APA edition and 2 Scholarly (Academic) references within 5 years or less. Must be at least 150 words.
The theory-practice gap is a common belief that theories are not practical and have no relevance in real-world applications. However, good theories are very practical and should be the basis for evidence-based practice. The evidence-based nursing practice involves using theories to guide actions, and there is no gap between theory and practice (Butts & Rich, 2018). If no theory exists to support a practical action, then the evidence can come from individual beliefs, authoritative sources, or common sense. Any nursing action not based on theory requires the generation of a new theory. To translate theories into evidence-based practical actions, a seven-step sequence is followed (Butts & Rich, 2018). The first step in the process is to identify a problem that requires evidence. This involves being aware of the problem and considering new ways to address it. Awareness can come from various sources such as patient experiences, nursing journals, workshops, or professional societies. The second step involves using the PICOT format to ask a question about the problem. This format considers the patient population, intervention or area of interest, group comparisons, desired outcomes, and time. The third, fourth, and fifth steps involve searching, evaluating, and integrating available literature about the problem. Research evidence alone is not enough to justify a change in practice. Clinical expertise, patient assessments, and preferences are also important. The sixth step involves evaluating the innovative action after it has been implemented. This can be done through formal research projects or quality improvement programs. The seventh step is to disseminate the results of the evaluation publicly, through presentations and publications (Butts & Rich, 2018). These steps are crucial for translating theories into practical actions for evidence-based practice. all nurses need to possess the skills required to review existing research and determine its relevance in their practice. Assessing the suitability of research findings to a specific context is a significant factor in evaluating the practical usefulness of a theory (Butts & Rich, 2018). As evidence-based nursing becomes increasingly important, advanced practice nurses have a responsibility to lead in the evaluation of theories and in translating them into effective practices based on research. Advanced practice nurses should also educate other nurses about the equivalence of evidence-based and theory-based practice.
Moreover, The World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended that the improvement of community health relies on nursing services supported by evidence-based practice (EBP), which involves utilizing the most reliable available evidence to make informed decisions and provide effective and efficient patient care based on scientific knowledge (Li et al., 2019). The methodical implementation of EBP can increase healthcare safety and enhance patient outcomes. Despite being equally crucial to community nurses (CNs) as it is to clinical nurses, EBP in community nursing is still in its early stages. A study by Li et al. (2019), illustrated the current state of knowledge, attitudes, implementation, facilitators, and barriers to evidence-based practice (EBP) in community nurses (CNs). Although EBP has been widely accepted, there is still uncertainty regarding the knowledge, attitudes, and implementation of EBP among CNs, as well as the facilitators and barriers they encounter. The results revealed that CNs have a positive attitude towards EBP, but lack sufficient knowledge and preparation for implementation. The most commonly cited facilitators were academic training, management support, and younger age. Inadequate time and resources were identified as the main barriers to transforming knowledge and attitudes into implementation (Li et al., 2019). The interventions that have been developed thus far primarily focused on enhancing knowledge rather than addressing the objective barriers. This study highlights the need for improvement in the knowledge and implementation of EBP among CNs, despite their positive attitudes. In addition to education, greater coordination with authorities is necessary to leverage the facilitators and overcome the barriers. Further research should concentrate on addressing the deficiencies in knowledge and implementation of EBP among CNs. Policymakers can use the facilitators and barriers identified in this review to modify nursing education, supplement current scientific resources, and provide support for improving care.


The widely held opinion that theories are impractical and irrelevant in actual applications is known as the theory-practice gap. But in nursing, theories ought to serve as the cornerstone of evidence-based practice. There is no distinction between theory and practice in evidence-based nursing practice; instead, theories are used to direct actions. Evidence for a practical action can come from personal convictions, reliable sources, or common sense if there is no theory to support it. A seven-step process is used to convert theories into practical actions that are supported by evidence. The conversion of theories into realistic actions for evidence-based practice depends on these phases. All nurses must have the abilities necessary to analyze available research and assess its applicability to their practices.

Additionally, community nurses (CNs) are just as dependent on evidence-based practice as clinical nurses are. The World Health Organization (WHO) has advised using nursing services backed by evidence-based practice (EBP) to promote community health. Li et al.’s (2019) study, however, showed that EBP in community nursing is still in its infancy. Despite their positive sentiments, the study emphasized the need for development in CNs’ awareness of and use of EBP. To use the facilitators and remove the barriers, more coordination with the government is required in addition to education. The shortcomings in EBP knowledge and application among CNs should be the focus of future research. The facilitators and barriers found in this research can be used by policymakers to alter nursing education, add to the body of available scientific knowledge, and assist in the improvement of care.

Butts, J. B., and Rich, K. L. (2018) references. theories and philosophies for cutting-edge nursing practice. Learning from Jones & Bartlett.
Yang, Y., Li, S., and Chen (2019). Evidence-based practice among community nurses: Knowledge, attitudes, implementation, facilitators, and barriers: A comprehensive review. Evidence-Based Nursing Worldviews, 16(5), 353–362.

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