Transforming Healthcare Delivery: A Nursing Perspective on Patient Safety and Quality Improvement for Decision Makers


The Leadership Issue Letter is an opportunity to articulate through a nursing perspective, issues concerning healthcare delivery to decision-makers within healthcare organizations and other policy arenas. You will provide evidence to support your point of view and identify recommendations for action that reflects the application of transformational leadership concepts that you would use in addressing this issue in a letter format to someone in a leadership position.
1. Length of the assignment is 3-4 pages (i.e. “cover page,” letter, reference page). The “cover page” should be a paragraph describing the leader the letter is intended for.
2. The issue should involve advocating for patients and the nursing profession with a change that focuses on an issue related to client safety and quality improvement within the context of management of care. Use a minimum of one reference when describing the issue.
3. Articulate, through a nursing perspective, the issue concerning healthcare delivery to a decision maker(s) within a healthcare organization or another policy arena.
4. Use scholarly literature to support a persuasive argument for change. You will need to describe the advantages & disadvantages. You will need to use a minimum of two references when discussing the advantages & disadvantages of the change. The intended change should be feasible.
5. Use language that demonstrates leadership and communication skills to effectively advocate for safety and quality improvement initiatives within the context of the inter-professional team.
6. The letter itself should be single-spaced. The cover page and reference page should be double-spaced.
Examples of letters concerning safety and quality improvement include:
Director of Nursing to address night shift workers’ wellness needs
Nurse Manager of your unit to support and encourage two 15-minute breaks and a full 30 minutes for lunch for all nurses on the unit.
Legislator to address safe staffing ratios.


Dear Nursing Director,

I’m writing to you today to let you know how worried I am about the healthcare organization’s night shift employees’ demands for well-being. I have seen personally the difficulties that night shift workers encounter, such as sleep deprivation, physical tiredness, and lower job satisfaction because I am a certified nurse working in this environment. These problems not only affect the health of our employees, but they also run the risk of jeopardizing patient safety and the standard of treatment.

Shift work and long hours can lead to weariness, poor judgment, and decreased attentiveness, all of which can contribute to medical errors and adverse events, according to the American Nurses Association (ANA) (ANA, 2016). In addition, the ANA notes that studies have indicated that healthcare businesses that place a strong priority on employee well-being have better patient outcomes, higher retention rates, and higher levels of job satisfaction (ANA, 2019).

I advise putting in place a wellness program that is especially suited to the requirements of night shift workers to address these worries. This program might involve activities like delivering wholesome food selections, stress-reduction tools, and instruction on good sleep habits and healthy living options. Even while there might be some upfront expenditures involved with putting this program into place, the long-term advantages for both staff and patients would greatly surpass these costs.

Implementing a wellness program for night shift workers has benefits such as boosting employee morale, boosting job satisfaction, and lowering attrition rates. As a result, patients may experience better outcomes, experience fewer medical errors, and report feeling more satisfied with their care (ANA, 2019). It’s crucial to recognize that there might be additional difficulties in putting this program into action, such as resource constraints and opposition to change.

As a transformative leader, I firmly believe that it is crucial to put our staff’s health and well-being first since doing so will eventually improve patient outcomes. We can show our dedication to our personnel and patients by developing a wellness program for night shift workers, and we can also have a good influence on our organization’s culture as a whole.

I appreciate your thoughts and time.


(Your Name)


(2016) American Nurses Association. Position statement: Managing nurse fatigue to advance safety and health is a shared responsibility of employers and registered nurses. Author: Silver Spring, MD.

2019 American Nurses Association. Developing a wellness culture. A healthy nurse, a healthy country. Author: Silver Spring, MD.

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