This is an individual final project. The purpose of the project is to allow stud

This is an individual final project. The purpose of the project is to allow students to demonstrate and integrate an understanding of diversity and the complexity of elements important to the culture, beliefs, and/or practices of the selected country. You will need to select a country, identify and evaluate its culture and local foods/cuisines, and write a report for not less than 1200 words. The country you choose should not be the USA and countries where you were living for most of your life. Please explore a different culture than yours. ( so don’t chose USA or Oman which the country I live in)
The project is worth a total of 200 points. The project should analyze, compare, contrast, and discuss the impacts of history, culture, and environment on the foods that are produced, consumed, and celebrated in the selected country. The project’s report also should include a reflection where the manifestation of human diversity explored in this course should be described. The project should be submitted as an MS World document.
No parts of this project (or any other assignment, any project in this class) can be copied from other sources. You must use at least 5 sources. However, you must paraphrase the ideas presented in other sources and you must properly cite them by using APA 7th Edition Style. Your assignment will be scanned against online sources and previous semesters’ submission by other students using software Turnitin. This project MUST be your own work. You cannot copy or use anybody else’s work. If you found to plagiarize in this class in any of the assignments, your grade for the entire course will be F.
Your report must have these sections (cite sources where appropriate):
Title: Name of the selected country and the student’s name (or you may use your student ID number instead of your name).
Introduction: Reasons for choosing this country and outline of the project.
Geographic location: Please explain the geographical location of the selected country and its neighbors. Provide a map.
History: Explain the major historical factors that have impacted on the traditional food styles and production in the country selected. How has history shaped the gastronomic culture in this country today?
Environment: Describe the physical environments in the country and indicate how the environment has impacted traditional food production and consumption. How has the country’s weather affected the way people in this country eat?
Culture and Religion: Describe the dominant culture and religion(s) surrounding traditional or local foods in this country. What are the cultural/social characteristics that define food consumption and culture in the country?
Local foods/drinks/cuisines: What are the traditional versus the new cuisines in the country? How have these trends affected the food culture in this country? What are the famous cuisines, foods, and drinks from this country?
Conclusions: After examining each component separately, what can you say about the effects of geography, environment, history, culture, religion, and trends that traditional and local foods have had upon food culture in the country you have selected? What do these characteristics say about culture as a whole? How would you describe food and culture in this country or the region? Comparing this country’s culture and cuisine with culture and cuisines in the United States? What are the main similarities and differences in terms of culture and cuisine between this country and the United States? What did you learn from this project?
References (APA 7th Ed Style): List those books, articles, websites, and other sources you have used when preparing this project. Cite these sources in the text where it is appropriate.
Follow the rubric attached please!

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