See attached Instructions please Review Chapter 30: The Role of Reflective Pract

See attached Instructions please
Review Chapter 30: The Role of Reflective Practice in Creating the World We Want.
Text: A New Era in Global Health by Rosa Williams
Read the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Inventory (pp. 468-47 of required text: Table 30.1). Each SDG is listed and accompanied by reflective questions for your own use. Think of what you have learned this semester exploring the SDGs and the foundations of global health
Answer the following questions:
• Select TWO of the SDGs that resonates most powerfully with your individual vision and passion? Answer the specific questions for ongoing reflection as outlined in the chapter 30. For example: SDG1 No poverty the questions for ongoing reflection includes the following:
Answer from a nursing perspective
1. How do I feel about the poor and economically disadvantaged?
2. What assumptions and judgments do I make about the poor that will prevent
me from being an effective global nurse?
3. What are my fears related to poor people?
4. Which implications of poverty can I alleviate with a nursing sensibility?
5. Is it my responsibility to address and work for no poverty for all?
• What is the first step I can take toward realizing the SDG most important to me? With whom can I partner? When will I do this? How will I evaluate myself?
Reference Chapter 30
Adherence to Assignment Expectations
35 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Assimilation and Synthesis of Ideas
50 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Written Expression and Formatting
15 pts
Total Points: 100

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