Read the essay “Selection, Slanting, and Charged Language” by Newman Birk and Ge

Read the essay “Selection, Slanting, and Charged Language” by Newman Birk and Genevieve Birk (provided in module).
We all have a specific perspective on issues that matter to us. We may use selection, slanting, and charged language without being aware of it.
The same goes for our sources.
However, in a research project, a balanced presentation is essential because your goal is to convince all readers that your argument is correct. That means it’s essential that you learn to recognized unbalanced (biased) sources even when the bias might be subtle. And you need to avoid these strategies in your own writing–yes, you will select facts to present, but you want to be aware of those you’re leaving out and you will need to bring in opposing viewpoints.
In your discussion post, discuss selection, slanting, and charged language, using examples from your own experience and the research you’ve done so far on your topic. Use this space to think about any biases you might already have about your topic. (It’s okay to have a perspective and even strong feelings about your topic–but you can’t let that bias your research or presentation.)

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