Instructions The assignment needs to be 330-400 words long. words long without t

The assignment needs to be 330-400 words long. words long without the assignment description.
You need to use own examples and textbook. Do not use websites or other materials.
Review and use terms discussed about five types of friendships in textbook on pages 292-293.
You need to double spaceLinks to an external site. the assignment.
QuestionsThink about two friendships that you have or had and describe them.
Describe your friendship in terms of three of the five types of friendships discussed in the textbook.
Introspection 3Introspection 3CriteriaRatingsPts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTopic12 to >9.0 ptsExemplary9 to >6.0 ptsAccomplishedAnswers less than two questions from assignment and/or lacks to connect concepts to own experience and/or less than 330 words.6 to >4.0 ptsDevelopingExamples are short and lack to connect concepts to own experience and/or and/or less than 330 words.4 to >0 ptsMissingNo assignment submitted.
12 pts
Total Points: 12

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