Imagine ABC, Inc. was considering opening up a new coffee shop in your town/city

Imagine ABC, Inc. was considering opening up a new coffee shop in your town/city (Baldwinville, MA). This coffee shop is not a chain, but would be a freestanding location. Not only do they want to open up a new coffee shop but want to have the first product launched promoting this new location be the Mocha Pumpkin latte. They have asked you to perform Market Research to determine if the location and form of business is viable as well as whether their choice of beverage makes sense. Their timeline to open their locations is December 2023.
Please write a 3-5 page paper outlining what forms of market research you would use to answer these questions for ABC, Inc. Consider all aspects involved in their request when making your determination. Understanding that some forms of market research you may not be able to complete in a time crunch, do what you are able to do. Complete your paper by providing them with your answer as to whether you feel this is a good choice or not. If you feel this is not a good choice, explain your position and make suggestions if you have any that are readily available.
Paper Details:
• 3-5 pages in length;
• 12-point (Times New Roman);
• APA formatting;
• Double Spaced;
• Make sure to refer to the included grading rubric as guidance when drafting your paper as this is what I will use when grading your final submission.

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