Hello, I will attach all info and instructions as well. But I just want to give

Hello, I will attach all info and instructions as well. But I just want to give you a rundown so you are not confused. ( please open all the documents that I attach ).
For this Project, our Professor wants us to do two separate short reports of our choosing. ( do not worry about the other reports in the template, just focus on progress report & trouble report ) .
Keep in mind, this is an informal (meaning a smaller problem not requiring a large sum of money to fix), internal (you are working for the company, writing to someone else in the company) short report (1,000-1,500 words).
The Reports I am choosing to do is:
– PROGRESS REPORT ( will be on Redwood City Navigation Center for the homeless )
– TROUBLE REPORT ( will be on SeaWorld about Blackfish and how Tilikum killed a trainer at Sea World Orlando — one singular problem )
Info for both reports:
– has to follow the template guide — I will attach it
– make sure each report has a lot of research !!! my professor loves research, include in-text citations, and cite references
– each report needs to be 1,000 – 1,500 words long and 1.5 spacing with 12-point font.
***informal report and for my rhetoric business class***
– Needs a good tone/style
– Needs to be very well organized
– For cost analysis ( make sure you find research for that, do not make it up, there has to be actual data that the cost analysis roots from )
– In the template provided … each subheading needs research, a reliable source where u got it from .. to help you write the report
– For Progress Report ( at least 4 sources )
– For Trouble Report ( at least 5 sources )

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