You have read a short story by Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (“The Two Offers”) a

You have read a short story by Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (“The Two Offers”) along with a novel (Iola Leroy). Now, you will have the opportunity to read and discuss some of Watkins’ poems, another literary genre in which she wrote. You will find the text of Forest Leaves, Harper’s first published collection of poems, here: After reading through the article, you will find images of the poems. Take some time to browse through these and then select one to discuss. Tell us the title of the poem you are discussing, briefly identify/summarize the poem (who is the speaker, what is the subject, who is the intended audience, etc.), and then offer your thoughts. You are free to discuss anything related to the poem that you find relevant or interesting, connections to Harper’s other works, or connections to anything else from class.
book is avail. online for free:
pick a poem from here:
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