Write a 2.5-page paper in which you review the Matrix. Your review is your indiv

Write a 2.5-page paper in which you review the Matrix. Your review is your individual understanding of the film, so stay away from quoting me and my personal reading of the film. Instead, develop your own argument for an interpretation you think the film offers; there is never the “right” interpretation of the film, so go with one you feel you can support best. Provide as much evidence as possible to support your claim; you should lean heavily on the articles we’ve read; they should play an important part in this paper. You must include at least three of the articles we’ve read during this unit. For each article, the paper must include at least two quotes to help make the argument. Make sure to refer to your notes so that they can help you make your argument.
Those were my professor’s instructions.
Below are the three pieces that need to be connected to the film.
Thank you!

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