When you start learning how the world works, you notice new things that you have

When you start learning how the world works, you notice new things that you have learned about in class by reading. This discussion is an opportunity to share what you have learned and make a connection outside the classroom.
Excellent = 100 points; Satisfactory = 70 points, Needs Improvement=50, 0 did not complete.
Your connection must be related directly to the themes we discuss in this class. I want to see a direct and clear connection communicated. That means you must clearly explain the historical connection and why it is relevant. Then briefly share the encounter. If you do not do this you will not get full points.
Instructions for submissions: Please read carefully
Your post sharing your encounter should be 200 words long, minimum.
You must describe what you “encountered fully” – a song, film, tweet, news article, video game, book, etc. Provide a link to the encounter or attach an image of the encounter using the picture icon if relevant. You should not use personal anecdotes.
You must clearly connect this to some theme in our course, (ESSENTIAL TO get full points!) – this means linking it to questions or themes in American culture and history. Do not be vague. It must logically make sense and be relevant. Examples can include but are not limited to: American culture, immigration & the federal government, the growth of the US empire, foreign policy, racial or gender inequality, status, democracy, or capitalism.

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