Week Eleven 1. Read pages 223-243 in your textbook. 2. Make sure that you liste

Week Eleven
1. Read pages 223-243 in your textbook.
2. Make sure that you listen to/view the YouTube videos and links embedded within the chapter.
3. Summarize the historical context of the 1900s. Also explain how music changed in terms of melody, rhythm, and harmony.
4. What is Impressionism? Explain both in music and art with some examples.
5. Explain Expressionism and Serialism.
6. What is Minimalism in music? Write in detail and include some examples of well-known works.
7. Describe these terms: atonal, polytonality, laptop orchestra, primitivism, neoclassicism, synthesizer.
8. Submit your answers by Friday, March 24th, 11:59 pm. Please include the questions on top of your answers.

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