The structure of the report and the requirements for each main section are as fo

The structure of the report and the requirements for each main section are as following:
1. Executivesummary(250words)
In this section, you should provide an overview of the report, including a brief summary of the selected company’s business and financial performance. You should write this section only when you have completed all the following sections.
2. Business performance and analysis (900 words)
Apply the Business Model Canvas to analyse the current business model of the selected company. Discuss the sustainability policy/strategy of the company. Discuss both competitive advantages and disadvantages of the selected company.
3. Financial performance and analysis (700 words)
Summarise and compare the company’s financial performance in the three years, using the two financial statements of the company: Balance Sheet, Income Statement. You should use tables, graphs and charts to show the changes in the finance of the company over the years. You should focus and pick the most crucial information from the three statements to discuss.
Obtain and analyse the company’s Liquidity Ratios; Profitability Ratios; Efficiency Ratios and Effective Ratios. These ratios can be obtained from the company’s annual reports on the company website and industry database Orbis. Use relevant graphic illustrations (e.g. tables, graphs, charts…) to support your analysis.
4. Business recommendations (400 words)
Basing on the above analyses on business and financial performance, including competitive advantages and disadvantages, make recommendations to the company on how they can do better in the following years.
5. Conclusion(250words)

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