SCOPE: Choose ONE of the following questions and write a coherent, well-argued e

SCOPE: Choose ONE of the following questions and
write a coherent, well-argued essay. Answers must be
typed, free of grammatical infelicities, and between 4-6
pages in length, double-spaced
A) Why did the British lose the American Revolution?
Discuss the advantages/disadvantages each side
held, their preconceptions going in, and the
decisions made on the field. 1775-1781.
B) Contrast the Federalist and Republican attitudes
toward the national government, American society
in general, and the Constitution. Include
information on differences between the leaders and
the supporters of the two parties.
c) Compare the lives, attitudes, and presidencies of
Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson. In what
ways were these two men similar? Different? Who
was the more effective leader (be sure to define
“effective”)? Defend your choice!

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