Respond to post below: Genenome technology can be the answer to eradicating dise

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Genenome technology can be the answer to eradicating diseases and enhancement of human beings to a different level. There is a constant debate that genetic enhancement is morally and ethically wrong. In my opinion, I do believe that genetic enhancement should be considered when there is the possibility of removing genomes that are potentially life-threatening. In reproductive health genetic enhancement can be costly and has considerable risks of congenital abnormalities and other complications (van Dijke et al., 2020). The topic of genetic enhancement is often fueled by moral and human rights discussions. Some believe that genetic enhancement can create humans who will have the desired traits that their parents want from their offspring. Advances in mitochondrial replacement and vitro gametogenesis will allow parents to engineer their children to their specifications (Liao, 2019). Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR), has the potential to modify the human genome. The use of CRISPR in reproduction technology has ethical implications for the welfare of individuals and future generations (Morar, 2022).
If available, parents do have the autonomy to decide if genetic enhancement is appropriate for them. There are moral implications that should be considered when choosing genetic enhancement. The outcome of genetic enhancement is not known and can produce negative outcomes that can affect the future of the child (Ranisch, 2022). Genetic enhancement creates children who are more advanced than children without enhancement. This can create a potential disadvantage for parents since they will not able to meet the needs of an enhanced child. Genetically enhanced children have an unequal advantage over children who are not enhanced. Having a sense of justice can be helpful to parents decide if genetic enhancement is morally right for them (Gray & Gorin, 2019).
In conclusion, genetic enhancement comes with potential risks and potential benefits. Parents who choose genetic enhancement, take on the potential risk of genetic abnormality and the future health of the child. Parents who chose genetic enhancement, may not be able to keep up with the needs of their enhanced child. Genetic enhancement can be helpful however in removing life-threatening genomes that can prove fatal. There is continued conflict on the ethical and moral views in support of genetic enhancement.
Gray, J., & Gorin, M. (2019). Some optimism about enhancement. The American Journal of Bioethics, 19(7), 26–28.
Liao, S. (2019). Designing humans: A human rights approach. Bioethics, 33(1), 98–104.
Morar, N. (2022). Dynamic aspects of human genetics: Is the human germline the bioethical key to human genetic engineering? The American Journal of Bioethics, 22(9), 46–49.
Ranisch, R. (2022). Procreative beneficence and genome editing. The American Journal of Bioethics, 22(9), 20–22.
van Dijke, I., van Wely, M., Berkman, B. E., Bredenoord, A. L., Henneman, L., Vliegenthart, R., Repping, S., & Hendriks, S. (2020). Should germline genome editing be allowed? the effect of treatment characteristics on public acceptability. Human Reproduction, 36(2), 465–478.

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