QUESTION 1 Please watch the linked video.

Please watch the linked video.
Then answer The following,
Is the documentary describing human trafficking or smuggling?
Is there a difference and does it matter?
Discuss the collision of issues involving human trafficking, refugees along the southern border and the agriculture industry.
Are the businesses involved organized crime?
Finally, include recommendations for policy responses to address the problems presented by the video.
I recently asked ChatGPT to explain the dangers of Predictive Policing. This is the answer it gave:
Predictive policing is a law enforcement strategy that uses data analytics and machine learning algorithms to identify individuals or areas that are likely to experience criminal activity in the future. While the goal of predictive policing is to prevent crime and improve public safety, there are several dangers and potential negative consequences associated with this approach:
1. Bias and Discrimination: Predictive policing algorithms rely on historical crime data, which may be biased and discriminatory due to historical and systemic factors. This can result in over-policing of certain communities, particularly those that are already marginalized and over-policed.
2. Privacy Concerns: Predictive policing relies on the collection and analysis of large amounts of data, including personal information about individuals. This can raise concerns about privacy and civil liberties, particularly if the data is obtained without consent or used to target individuals without sufficient justification.
3. Lack of Transparency: Predictive policing algorithms are often proprietary and lack transparency, making it difficult for the public to understand how they work and how they influence law enforcement decisions.
4. Reinforcement of Criminalization: Predictive policing may reinforce existing patterns of criminalization and exacerbate tensions between police and communities. This can result in increased surveillance and police presence in certain neighborhoods, further eroding trust and exacerbating social inequalities.
5. False Positives: Predictive policing algorithms are not infallible, and there is a risk of false positives or false accusations. This can lead to wrongful arrests and further erode public trust in law enforcement.
Overall, while predictive policing may have some potential benefits, it is important to carefully consider the potential dangers and negative consequences associated with this approach. Policymakers, law enforcement agencies, and communities should work together to ensure that any predictive policing strategies are transparent, accountable, and fair.
After reviewing the linked articles and video below, please discuss the adequacy of its answer. As part of your discussion, include a focus on how these methods will change the role of the police officer and the relations between police and their community members.
Linked articles/videos

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