Purpose To demonstrate understanding of the Scientific Revolution as presented t

To demonstrate understanding of the Scientific Revolution as presented through texts about Galileo.
Question: Imagine you are a member of the Inquisition at Galileo’s trial. You have the following evidence. Decide your answer to the question: Was Galileo really a heretic. Explain your response with reasoning and support from the documents.
Galileo’s Letter (Modified).docx Download Galileo’s Letter (Modified).docx 
Cardinal Bellarmine.docx Download Cardinal Bellarmine.docx 
Condemnation of Galileo (Modified).docx Download Condemnation of Galileo (Modified).docx 
Make sure that your response begins with a sentence which clearly states your main argument, and that it refers to specific evidence from the sources in order to support that arugment.
Your response should be at least 250 words in length, but not to exceed 500 words.
HIS 101 Assignment RubricHIS 101 Assignment RubricCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting50 ptsOutstandingDemonstrates outstanding critical thinking and analytical skills in written responses.35 ptsVery GoodDemonstrates critical thinking and analytical skills in written responses.20 ptsAverageDemonstrates decent critical thinking and analytical skills in written responses, but lacks a thorough interpretation.10 ptsPoorDoes not demonstrate critical thinking and analytical skills in written responses. The effort is lacking. There appears to be little understanding of the purpose of the assignment.0 ptsNo MarksDid not attempt.50 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis50 ptsOutstandingDisplays outstanding knowledge and understanding of historical subject matter.35 ptsVery GoodDisplays knowledge and understanding of historical subject matter.20 ptsAverageDisplays fair knowledge and understanding of historical subject matter, but lacks a deep understanding.10 ptsPoorDoes not display consistent knowledge and understanding of historical subject matter. The effort is lacking. There appears to be insufficient understanding of the meaning of the assigned reading(s).0 ptsNo MarksDid not attempt.50 pts
Total Points: 100PreviousNext

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