Please throughly dicuss the poem I, Too by Langston Hughes through the critcal l

Please throughly dicuss the poem I, Too by Langston Hughes through the critcal lense of Critical Race Theory.
Here is a link to the poem:
Information on critcal race theory:
Examines the appearance of race/racism across dominal cultural modesof expression
Attempt to understand how victims of systemic racism are affected by cultural perceptions of race
Connects to fields such as philosophy, history,sociology, and law
Can examine any race/ethnicity
Answer these questions:
What is the significance of race in contemporary American society?
Where, in what ways, and to what ends does race appear in dominant American culture and shape the ways we interact with one another?
What types of texts and other cultural artifacts reflect dominant culture’s perceptions of race?
How can scholars convey that racism is a concern that affects all members of society?
How does racism continue to function as a persistent force in American society?
How can we combat racism to ensure that all members of American society
experience equal representation and access to fundamental rights?
How can we accurately reflect the experiences of victims of racism?

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