Please make multiple annotations while reading. High quality = thoughtful commen

Please make multiple annotations while reading. High quality = thoughtful comments that does not copy from the reading/ someone else’s comments. Example ideas below (not limited to these questions).
You will want to:
+Highlight a phrase or sentence that you want to make a comment or question about.
Can you think of a situation or real life example where you can tie content to?
What specific information would you want to learn more about (want to be specific as possible)
What recent news, work related scenario, studying habits, or other course information reminds you of the information you are learning about?
Do your best to explain your thinking!!! It’s okay to to agree or not agree with your classmate’s comments. You’ll want to explain why or extend their comment/ information.
Other things you should and can do:
+Comment on someone’s annotation
+Read and upvote someone’s annotation
+Read from beginning to end
Optional and encouraged:
+ tagging each other when commenting using
@conversation (within a comment)
Don’t forget to highlight it!!!

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