Papers which do not meet APA guidelines will have up to an immediate 10% deducti

Papers which do not meet APA guidelines will have up to an immediate 10% deduction
from maximum points possible. These APA guidelines include the following
a. All font sizes should be consistent (including the running head) at size 12 Times New
Roman (APA Manual, 2020, p. 45)
b. The entire paper should be double-spaced, including the reference list. There should
be no extra lines between paragraphs or sections unless headings fall at the bottom of
the page and need to be moved to the top of the next page (APA Manual, 2020, p.
c. The reference list should have appropriate heading (References) and should be
alphabetized by primary author (APA Manual, 2020, p. 303).
d. One-inch margins on all sides (APA Manual, 2020, p. 45).This is a scholarly literature review. You will need resources from peer reviewed and/or
authoritative sources on which to base your project. This may (and should) include
Primary Research Reports, Narrative Reviews, Systematic Reviews, Practice Guidelines,
and information from appropriate web resources. Your review of the literature should
contain approximately 15 – 20 articles and you will need to include both qualitative and
quantitative research. These articles should be primarily from the health science literature
and your approach to the project MUST be pertinent to the role of the professional nurse.
In other words, you cannot, as a BSN student promote a project based on prescribing
medications or inventing a new diet. Literature may come from outside the United
States, but must be relevant to the US population.This is a scholarly literature review. You will need resources from peer reviewed and/or
authoritative sources on which to base your project. This may (and should) include
Primary Research Reports, Narrative Reviews, Systematic Reviews, Practice Guidelines,
and information from appropriate web resources. Your review of the literature should
contain approximately 15 – 20 articles and you will need to include both qualitative and
quantitative research. These articles should be primarily from the health science literature
and your approach to the project MUST be pertinent to the role of the professional nurse.
In other words, you cannot, as a BSN student promote a project based on prescribing
medications or inventing a new diet. Literature may come from outside the United
States, but must be relevant to the US population.This is a scholarly literature review. You will need resources from peer reviewed and/or
authoritative sources on which to base your project. This may (and should) include
Primary Research Reports, Narrative Reviews, Systematic Reviews, Practice Guidelines,
and information from appropriate web resources. Your review of the literature should
contain approximately 15 – 20 articles and you will need to include both qualitative and
quantitative research. These articles should be primarily from the health science literature
and your approach to the project MUST be pertinent to the role of the professional nurse.
In other words, you cannot, as a BSN student promote a project based on prescribing
medications or inventing a new diet. Literature may come from outside the United
States, but must be relevant to the US population.
Begins with a description of the search process used. Identify databases used,
number of relevant articles found and the number of articles chosen for
inclusion. Include keywords used.
 Presents a thorough synthesis and analysis of the current literature. Uses
subheadings to organize information.
 Most articles should be published within the last 5-6 years. Other older
publications may be included if the material remains relevant, it provides
contrast, or it is considered classic. Writer cites mainly primary sources but
uses a variety of research literature.
 Literature is from the health sciences and is directly related to an area of
practice upon which nurses have an impact.Begins with a description of the search process used. Identify databases used,
number of relevant articles found and the number of articles chosen for
inclusion. Include keywords used.
 Presents a thorough synthesis and analysis of the current literature. Uses
subheadings to organize information.
 Most articles should be published within the last 5-6 years. Other older
publications may be included if the material remains relevant, it provides
contrast, or it is considered classic. Writer cites mainly primary sources but
uses a variety of research literature.
 Literature is from the health sciences and is directly related to an area of
practice upon which nurses have an impact.Begins with a description of the search process used. Identify databases used,
number of relevant articles found and the number of articles chosen for
inclusion. Include keywords used.
 Presents a thorough synthesis and analysis of the current literature. Uses
subheadings to organize information.
 Most articles should be published within the last 5-6 years. Other older
publications may be included if the material remains relevant, it provides
contrast, or it is considered classic. Writer cites mainly primary sources but
uses a variety of research literature.
 Literature is from the health sciences and is directly related to an area of
practice upon which nurses have an impact.
Chapter II: B. Theoretical Framework (see Chapter 7 of text)
 Includes a section regarding a relevant theory/conceptual model chosen to
guide the project. Provide a concise explanation of the framework, theory or
model, and how it will be useful in the project.
 Please use more than one source for the theorist and include
an original publication.
Chapter II: B. Theoretical Framework (see Chapter 7 of text)
 Includes a section regarding a relevant theory/conceptual model chosen to
guide the project. Provide a concise explanation of the framework, theory or
model, and how it will be useful in the project.
 Please use more than one source for the theorist and include
an original publication.
Chapter II: B. Theoretical Framework (see Chapter 7 of text)
 Includes a section regarding a relevant theory/conceptual model chosen to
guide the project. Provide a concise explanation of the framework, theory or
model, and how it will be useful in the project.
 Please use more than one source for the theorist and include
an original publication.
Chapter II: C. Problem Statement/Aim of the Project
 Explicitly states the aim of the project according to the guideline
 There is a thorough explanation of how the project will address the problem.
 ROL ends with conclusions drawn from the literature. Identifies what is
known about the topic and at least one gap in the knowledge. Restates the
project question to give direction to methodology.Chapter II: C. Problem Statement/Aim of the Project
 Explicitly states the aim of the project according to the guideline
 There is a thorough explanation of how the project will address the problem.
 ROL ends with conclusions drawn from the literature. Identifies what is
known about the topic and at least one gap in the knowledge. Restates the
project question to give direction to methodology.Chapter II: C. Problem Statement/Aim of the Project
 Explicitly states the aim of the project according to the guideline
 There is a thorough explanation of how the project will address the problem.
 ROL ends with conclusions drawn from the literature. Identifies what is
known about the topic and at least one gap in the knowledge. Restates the
project question to give direction to methodology.
e. Page numbers are included on all pages including the title page (APA Manual, 2020,
p. 30).
f. The abstract is to be located after the title page and before the beginning of the paper
and is on a separate page from the main paper (APA Manual, 2020, p. 38)
g. Any appendices are located at the end of the paper, after the reference list and are
labeled Appendix A, Appendix B, etc. and should be referenced in the body of the
paper (APA Manual, 2020, p. 41)
h. The body of the paper is to be left justified with first lines indented and hanging
indents on the reference list (APA Manual, 2020, p. 45, 46)
i. Level headings are to be used and should be on the same page as the corresponding
content (APA Manual, 2020, p. 47-48)
j. Papers are to be written in third person and are not to include the use of the words I,
me, mine, you, or yours unless otherwise stated in the syllabus.Papers which do not meet APA guidelines will have up to an immediate 10% deduction
from maximum points possible. These APA guidelines include the following
a. All font sizes should be consistent (including the running head) at size 12 Times New
Roman (APA Manual, 2020, p. 45)
b. The entire paper should be double-spaced, including the reference list. There should
be no extra lines between paragraphs or sections unless headings fall at the bottom of
the page and need to be moved to the top of the next page (APA Manual, 2020, p.
c. The reference list should have appropriate heading (References) and should be
alphabetized by primary author (APA Manual, 2020, p. 303).
d. One-inch margins on all sides (APA Manual, 2020, p. 45).
e. Page numbers are included on all pages including the title page (APA Manual, 2020,
p. 30).
f. The abstract is to be located after the title page and before the beginning of the paper
and is on a separate page from the main paper (APA Manual, 2020, p. 38)
g. Any appendices are located at the end of the paper, after the reference list and are
labeled Appendix A, Appendix B, etc. and should be referenced in the body of the
paper (APA Manual, 2020, p. 41)
h. The body of the paper is to be left justified with first lines indented and hanging
indents on the reference list (APA Manual, 2020, p. 45, 46)
i. Level headings are to be used and should be on the same page as the corresponding
content (APA Manual, 2020, p. 47-48)
j. Papers are to be written in third person and are not to include the use of the words I,
me, mine, you, or yours unless otherwise stated in the syllabus.Papers which do not meet APA guidelines will have up to an immediate 10% deduction
from maximum points possible. These APA guidelines include the following
a. All font sizes should be consistent (including the running head) at size 12 Times New
Roman (APA Manual, 2020, p. 45)
b. The entire paper should be double-spaced, including the reference list. There should
be no extra lines between paragraphs or sections unless headings fall at the bottom of
the page and need to be moved to the top of the next page (APA Manual, 2020, p.
c. The reference list should have appropriate heading (References) and should be
alphabetized by primary author (APA Manual, 2020, p. 303).
d. One-inch margins on all sides (APA Manual, 2020, p. 45).
e. Page numbers are included on all pages including the title page (APA Manual, 2020,
p. 30).
f. The abstract is to be located after the title page and before the beginning of the paper
and is on a separate page from the main paper (APA Manual, 2020, p. 38)
g. Any appendices are located at the end of the paper, after the reference list and are
labeled Appendix A, Appendix B, etc. and should be referenced in the body of the
paper (APA Manual, 2020, p. 41)
h. The body of the paper is to be left justified with first lines indented and hanging
indents on the reference list (APA Manual, 2020, p. 45, 46)
i. Level headings are to be used and should be on the same page as the corresponding
content (APA Manual, 2020, p. 47-48)
j. Papers are to be written in third person and are not to include the use of the words I,
me, mine, you, or yours unless otherwise stated in the syllabus.

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