Kristine Alexander in “Childhood and Colonialism in Canadian Culture” (Week 22)

Kristine Alexander in “Childhood and Colonialism in Canadian Culture” (Week 22) argues: [T]he history of childhood matters, to [nation] states as well as individuals. At the same time, they provide confirmation that in Canada, colonialism has shaped and continues to shape the life chances of Indigenous and non-Indigenous young people in vastly different ways (387). Alexander points to emerging scholarship over “The past four decades” that has offered “some significant shifts in the Canadian historiography of childhood and colonialism” (402). Some of this scholarship considers the relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous children and youth, and colonialism. Keep Alexander’s ideas in mind as you reflect on this last Unit. Keep the objective of the Short Essay #2 in mind. Work closely with the at least one of the films, two to five scholarly readings, and one of the 94 “calls to action” from the Winter Term units Brunswick Street Cornwallis Street and Shannen Koostachin. Use at least one scholarly reading from each unit. You will work with your selected texts and information beyond what we have done together, and in ways that show your knowledge of the material and your skill at synthesis, application, analysis and writing. In your essay: make direct reference to at least one of the Unit 4 Alanis Obomsawin films (, and at least one of the 94 “calls to action” from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s report ( Use at least one scholarly reading from each Winter Term unit Write an (1,500 word) essay that takes a position on one or more aspects of childhood, Canada and culture which the Winter Term units have explored. Remember, two things to keep in mind about this essay: treat it as you would a take home test essay while short, remember it is still a formal essay with an introduction (including a thesis), an argument supported by evidence and a conclusion. In other words, the essay is not a summary of everything you have learned throughout the term. You must be selective and thoughtful in choosing your essay’s focus (i.e., thesis and argument). Craft and develop a thesis supported by two to five scholarly readings. reading links you can choose from (at least 1 from each list) A B (234-257, 258-262)

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