Instructions This assignment is an essay assignment of three questions for whic

This assignment is an essay assignment of three questions for which you are expected to fully responds to the question being posed.
Essay 1:
Enhancing the resilience of our critical infrastructure to all hazards is a national imperative. Nowhere is this truer than in the agriculture and food sector. A significant proportion of the US’s agriculture and food system’s critical infrastructure is privately owned or operated on a commercial basis. In most cases, the owners and operators of critical infrastructure are best placed to manage risks to their operations and determine the most appropriate mitigation strategies. If you were the Secretary of Homeland Security what plan would employ with the Secretary of Agriculture to ensure the maximum resilience for the agriculture and food system within the US. For this first essay write a joint approach to this issue that would be shared with the White House Chief of Staff.
Essay 2:
Over the past five years, the number of successful hacking events on the US energy and banking system has increased significantly. The banking system is especially vulnerable because of the very nature of “online banking”. In 2020, published reports indicate a hacking of US Government and private systems that touched on nearly every aspect of many different agencies. For this essay you are the Secretary of The Treasury. You have assembled a Chartered Presidential approved group to develop a 10-step approach to enhancing the resilience of the banking sector in the way of the 2020 attack. In a memo, describe the specific steps you would take to enhance the resilience of this system. Where do you see the great vulnerability now and what is the biggest risk factor that needs to be addressed?
Essay 3:
For the past two years COVID-19 pandemic impacted the way nearly every citizen in the United States and the world conducts their day to day life. The impact on the human psyche, on livelihoods, the economy and on personal resilience has been significant. Based on peer reviewed references beyond the class, what specific steps does the United States need to do – both short and long term – to enhance national resilience based on the Lessons Learned from the virus? Be specific.
Technical Requirements
Your paper must be at a minimum of 6-9 pages, or 2-3 pages per question (the Title and Reference pages do not count towards the minimum limit).
Scholarly and credible references should be used. A good rule of thumb is at least 2 scholarly sources per page of content.
Type in Times New Roman, 12 point and double space.
Students will follow the current APA Style as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework.
Points will be deducted for the use of Wikipedia or encyclopedic type sources. It is highly advised to utilize books, peer-reviewed journals, articles, archived documents, etc.
All submissions will be graded using the assignment rubric.

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