Instructions Please watch the following video: The Chemical Mind: Crash Course

Please watch the following video: The Chemical Mind: Crash Course Psychology #3 (
This video is also closed-captioned.
Using the information from this video and/or from the textbook, which of the neurotransmitters do you find the most interesting (or which do you find the easiest to remember), and why?
When replying to another student, read what they wrote and add some information to whichever neurotransmitter they discussed. So, if they give information about dopamine, give some additional information about dopamine, or give a DIFFERENT explanation (different from your original discussion or the other student’s discussion) why that neurotransmitter is interesting/important.
Remember that all posts and responses should be PROFESSIONAL and RESPECTFUL. The instructor reserves the right to remove any disrespectful content from the page; if you see something inappropriate, please do not wait for me to see it! Contact me ASAP (but remember that dissenting opinions are not necessarily “inappropriate material”).
Your original post should be between 250 and 400 words long. Your required response to another student’s post should be 100-200 words long.
Grading Requirements
You must create one post and one reply by the stated deadline to successfully complete this activity.
This activity is worth 40 points total. You can earn up to 30 points for your original post, and up to 10 points for your reply to another student’s post.

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