In reading articles you will develop an understanding of how research is structu

In reading articles you will develop an understanding of how research is structured and communicated, and how this lends to the logic of an experiment. Article is provided in uploaded files.
The assignment description is provided in its entirety below but I have included below.
Step 2. Annotation Once you’ve found your article, you will need to annotate it; this means “marking up” or denominating the components on the original article.
All manuscripts in Psychology follow a standard formatting outline determined by the APA; this is to allow ideas to be accurately communicated as well as understood. This includes:
a) Introduction – This section presents the findings of previous research and interprets the results in relation to theory or other studies. In doing so, the introduction gives us the logic and the goal of the experiment.
© Dr. I. Gordon
Spring 2023
o You will need to highlight the goal of the experiment; this is not the title nor theoretic background, but the operationalization of the experiment and the factors involved.
b) Method – In this section, you will find plenty of information that would allow a reader to replicate and expand on a similar experiment. This can be very technical however it is structured to allow others to understand who and what was involved, and how it was carried out.
o You will need to highlight the experimental task; this portion deals with what the participants were asked to do and not with who or what was involved.
c) Results – All recorded measures are subjected to statistical assessment in order to determine whether the observations are significant. In this section, you will find plenty of statistical tests, numbers, and verbal descriptions. Some of these relate directly to the goal of the experiment, whereas other findings emerge from how our paradigms are structured.
o You will need to highlight the relevant comparisons that were carried out to answer the research goal. This will be the most difficult part of the annotation as you will have to select which contrasts are the most meaningful.
d) Discussion – Here the researchers interpret the study’s findings with respect to theory or previous research. This is the behavioural, “real-world” or theoretic description of what the results imply. This portion also includes study limitations as well as thoughts for future venues.
o You will need to highlight the interpretation of the study’s key findings with respect to the goal. This implies the real-world, conceptual or pragmatic meaning of the contrasts you highlighted in (c).
Step 3. Response Based on the study you annotated, you will respond to the question with no more than 2-3 sentences. You will not use technical terms, and you will not summarize the findings of the paper. Rather, you will be applying the information to respond using common, layman language.
Step 4. Submission You will upload your submission to Canvas in the format of: a title page, the annotation, the response, and reference section.
Title page (do not use a running head!)
• title of the paper (please use the topic question as the title)
© Dr. I. Gordon
Spring 2023
• the author’s name
• institutional affiliation
• course number and name
• instructor name
• assignment due date
Body of the submission
Include a copy of the annotated paper – this can be done with highlighting, underlining, call-outs or any other method that is clearly readable. Whereas it is suggested that you work on a digital copy, it is alright to work on a hard copy and then scan or photograph the annotated version. Please note, however, that whichever way you decide to annotate it must be legible and clear – if we cannot read the content or see the marks-ups, it will not count.
On a separate page from the annotation, you will copy the question and the provide your response using an appropriate APA citation. This is not a summary, but a short layman response. You do not need any other formatting (no headers, no running head).
Citation and Reference
The reference should follow APA 7th guidelines. For help with citations and reference format, please see SFU Library’s General notes: APA (7th ed., 2020) citation guide
The assignment will be graded on the
• appropriateness of the article selected (logical, related to question) /2
• the annotation (goals, method, results, conclusion) /4
• the layman response /2
• the appropriateness of APA formatting (title page, citation, reference page) /5Step 2. Annotation Once you’ve found your article, you will need to annotate it; this means “marking up” or denominating the components on the original article.
All manuscripts in Psychology follow a standard formatting outline determined by the APA; this is to allow ideas to be accurately communicated as well as understood. This includes:
a) Introduction – This section presents the findings of previous research and interprets the results in relation to theory or other studies. In doing so, the introduction gives us the logic and the goal of the experiment.
© Dr. I. Gordon
Spring 2023
o You will need to highlight the goal of the experiment; this is not the title nor theoretic background, but the operationalization of the experiment and the factors involved.
b) Method – In this section, you will find plenty of information that would allow a reader to replicate and expand on a similar experiment. This can be very technical however it is structured to allow others to understand who and what was involved, and how it was carried out.
o You will need to highlight the experimental task; this portion deals with what the participants were asked to do and not with who or what was involved.
c) Results – All recorded measures are subjected to statistical assessment in order to determine whether the observations are significant. In this section, you will find plenty of statistical tests, numbers, and verbal descriptions. Some of these relate directly to the goal of the experiment, whereas other findings emerge from how our paradigms are structured.
o You will need to highlight the relevant comparisons that were carried out to answer the research goal. This will be the most difficult part of the annotation as you will have to select which contrasts are the most meaningful.
d) Discussion – Here the researchers interpret the study’s findings with respect to theory or previous research. This is the behavioural, “real-world” or theoretic description of what the results imply. This portion also includes study limitations as well as thoughts for future venues.
o You will need to highlight the interpretation of the study’s key findings with respect to the goal. This implies the real-world, conceptual or pragmatic meaning of the contrasts you highlighted in (c).
Step 3. Response Based on the study you annotated, you will respond to the question with no more than 2-3 sentences. You will not use technical terms, and you will not summarize the findings of the paper. Rather, you will be applying the information to respond using common, layman language.
Step 4. Submission You will upload your submission to Canvas in the format of: a title page, the annotation, the response, and reference section.
Title page (do not use a running head!)
• title of the paper (please use the topic question as the title)
© Dr. I. Gordon
Spring 2023
• the author’s name
• institutional affiliation
• course number and name
• instructor name
• assignment due date
Body of the submission
Include a copy of the annotated paper – this can be done with highlighting, underlining, call-outs or any other method that is clearly readable. Whereas it is suggested that you work on a digital copy, it is alright to work on a hard copy and then scan or photograph the annotated version. Please note, however, that whichever way you decide to annotate it must be legible and clear – if we cannot read the content or see the marks-ups, it will not count.
On a separate page from the annotation, you will copy the question and the provide your response using an appropriate APA citation. This is not a summary, but a short layman response. You do not need any other formatting (no headers, no running head).
Citation and Reference
The reference should follow APA 7th guidelines. For help with citations and reference format, please see SFU Library’s General notes: APA (7th ed., 2020) citation guide
The assignment will be graded on the
• appropriateness of the article selected (logical, related to question) /2
• the annotation (goals, method, results, conclusion) /4
• the layman response /2
• the appropriateness of APA formatting (title page, citation, reference page) /5

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