foursources. For each source, this should include four pieces of information: 1)

foursources. For each source, this should include four pieces of information: 1). the complete
bibliographic information; 2). a summary of the reading (in your own words) that shows you have, actually read beyond the abstract; 3). a short mention of the key theories and methodologies it uses; and 4). how you plan to use it in your final essay
All four must be peer-reviewed scholarly articles from a Sociology journal that share a discernable area of research. (Here is a good list of Sociology journals: Alternatively, they may be chapters from a
scholarly anthology published by a recognized academic press. If you are not sure whether a given rational or chapter will work, shoot me a quick email or come to office hours.
2. All four articles/chapters must be from 2017 or later.
3. All four must feature original research; that research can be quantitative or qualitative, but there must be an original study, conducted by the author(s), at the heart of the article.
4. The point of this assignment is to research and read articles that are new to you. If you wish to write about a source that you’ve read for another class or if you wish to explore a class text in greater detail, you need to consult with me first.

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