For this term project, you will need to identify a business opportunity (i.e., a

For this term project, you will need to identify a business opportunity (i.e., an unfulfilled need
for an underserved consumer segment), propose a new business (product or service) that can
address it, and design strategy and related tactics for launching it.
• This business idea can be either a product (physical goods) or service.
• This business idea may be developed for a local, or regional, or national market.
• The underserved consumers may be one or multiple segments.
Your marketing plan should include, but not limited to:
1. Cover page
2. Executive summary
• An abstract highlighting the key elements of your marketing plan. The purpose is to
persuade the audience this marketing plan would be successful in fulfilling the need for
the underserved consumer segment.
• It should be limited to one page.
3. Business idea overview
• Please briefly describe your business idea: what is this business opportunity? who are
underserved? what is your business mission and objectives? what is your product or
service? is this marketing plan for a local, or regional, or national market?
• “Who are underserved”: there could be a large, underserved population, but your
marketing plan may target only a subgroup of this large population. In this section,
please just describe in general what this underserved population is. There will be a
separate section for you to describe the consumers you plan to target and serve.
4. Industry overview
• What is the industry that you see this opportunity exists in? Please describe the industry
in detail such as the current state, major players (if there is any), existing product/service
offerings (if there is any).
5. SWOT & competitor analysis for your business
• Please conduct a thorough SWOT (include all strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,
and threats) analysis for your business, and a separate competitor analysis
• If use a bullet point format, please elaborate on each point
• Be sure to discuss your major or potential competitors – what are their strengths and
6. STP (segmentation, targeting, and positioning) strategy for your business
• Please identify and address the STP strategy.
• Segmentation: which segmentation methods do you use? what are the criteria you
choose to use for each segmentation method?
• Targeting: what targeting strategy do you use? why is it appropriate to use this targeting
• Positioning: what is your positioning strategy? what is your unique selling proposition
7. Consumer segment(s) served by your business
• Based on your STP strategy, which consumer segment(s) do you plan to serve with this
business? what does your typical consumer look like? – describe consumers’
demographic, socioeconomic, and psychographic characteristics for each segment.
• Note the consumer segment(s) should be measurable, accessible, substantial (in its size),
differentiable, and profitable.
8. Justification for the consumer segment(s)
• Please justify why the chosen consumer segment(s) is/are underserved.
9. Marketing mix plan (4Ps) for your consumer segment(s)
• Please design a marketing mix plan and provide details on product, price, place, and
promotion tailored for this market segment.
• Product: what is your product or service offering?
• Price: provide a price range
• Place: where do you plan to sell your product (i.e., distribution channels)?
• Promotion: how do you plan to communicate with your potential target audience?
10. Justification for your marketing mix plan
• Why would this plan work for the underserved consumer segment(s)?
11. Conclusion – conclude your marketing plan.
12. References
• Use at least 5 references
13. Appendix (if there is any)
Marketing Plan Term Project Formatting Requirements
• Please do not write each section on a separate page, except executive summary.
• Please include all the required content/sections.
• Please use section/subsection headers accordingly.
• Font: Times New Roman, size 12, double-spaced, 1-inch margin on all sides.
• Length: at least 8 full pages long, excluding the cover page, reference page, and appendix (if
there is any), and no more than 20 pages.
• Your term paper including in-text citations and references should be in APA format.
• Please submit your paper in MS Word format. Do not submit in PDF format.
• Points will be deducted if assignments do not meet the abovementioned formatting

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