Discussion #1: Federalism Please review the discussion guidelines before partici

Discussion #1: Federalism
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Also, review Chapter 2 of textbook, Texas and the Fedeal System
Unitary governments centralize power where federal governments disperse it. The U.S. is a federal system of government. In the wake of Hurricane Katrina and its brutal impact on New Orleans, fresh ammunition has been provided critics of federalism.
1. Does federalism work well in the United States? Sources?
2. Can you provide negative examples of federalism in action? Positive examples? Provide Sources?
3. Did we have appropriate preparations by the government agencies (State and Federal ) to respond to the Coronavirus crisis? and what about the Texas winter storm that left Texas residents without electrical power during several days. Sources?
4. On balance, does a federal system provide the United States with a superior or inferior form of government? Why provide Sources?

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