Directions: Now that you know the difference between a “fixed” and “growth” mind

Directions: Now that you know the difference between a “fixed” and “growth” mindset, write an essay in which you explore how your mindset has affected your life up until now. Remember that we are studying mindset in reference to Carol Dweck’s theories regarding intelligence, so make sure that you understand the diffence between a “fixed mindset” intelligence and a “growth mindset” when discussing intelligence.
Based on this context, how has your mindset (your beliefs about intelligence) affected the way you have responded to challenges along the way. Also, now that you have learned how mindset can affect your life, will you do anything different in the future? Your “optional draft” is due at the end of Week 1 and should be 500-750 words, double spaced with a 12 font and formatted to MLA. Your final paper should be 1,000-1,500 words and is due at the end of Week 2. Since this is an essay about your personal experiences, it is fine to use “I,” “me,” “my,” etc. In addition, your essay should contain a clear thesis, an introduction, body, and a conclusion.
All papers should be formatted to MLA guidelines. Please use this template for all paper submissions. If you do not submit your paper in the correct format, double spaced, I will return it because it is too difficult to comment when you single space.

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