Create your own zine (3 pages + 500 word blurb) dealing with a social justice is

Create your own zine (3 pages + 500 word blurb) dealing with a social justice issue of your choosing (contemporary or historical).
Examples of contemporary or recent movements (but don’t feel restricted to this list!)
Arab Spring
Climate Justice
Health at any Size
Examples of historical movements:
Pride (beginning in the 1970s)
The Asian American Movement AAM
The Environmental Movement (1950s onward)
This can be done electronically using powerpoint slides, or can be submitted as a photograph/scan of an actual scrapbook-style page. Use a combination of text, images, and your own writing if you can, trying to capture the “zine effect” through a range of fonts, layering, and the DIY aesthetic of Riot Grrrl or subsequent zines.
Incorporate references to popular culture whenever relevant.
Submissions will be assessed on the basis of originality, style, and relevance.
Include with your zine a 500 word blurb outlining what you are hoping to convey in your zine in respect to your social issue, answering the following questions:
1) What is the social movement you’ve chosen and why did you decide to focus on it? Provide a brief description of the movement and some historical contextualization.
2) How do the images you’ve chosen reflect the issue you’re addressing and highlight the relevance of popular culture in terms of representing and raising awareness around the issue (or possibly adding to stigma)?
3) What audience are you trying to reach with your zine? How are you hoping it will be read? What point are you trying to convey?
**Consider your design/format: get creative!**
For more on zine making watch the Netflix movie, Moxie (2021).

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