Complete an annotated bibliography Example Appendix C Guidelines for Annotated

Complete an annotated bibliography
Example Appendix C
Guidelines for Annotated Bibliography
An annotation describes the essential details of an article (or book). Place the annotation just below the facts of publication (Use APA Style) Click link… to open resource for APA style.
Outline of annotated bibliography:
⦁ Explain the main purpose of the article
⦁ Briefly describe the contents; that is, briefly state the gist of the article
⦁ Reflect & offer an opinion about the article, i.e., Did you like it? Why or why not? What did you learn from (or think about) the article? Did you agree or disagree with what the author(s) said? Why?
⦁ State how you will use this information in the classroom.
⦁ Keep the annotation to one page (12 font, double-spaced)

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