ASSIGNMENT: Each student will research 20 different recreation program Sport/Rec

ASSIGNMENT: Each student will research 20 different recreation program Sport/Recreation or Active Tourism websites to evaluate the marketing potential of each. 1. List them in the order of what you think are effective websites, best (1) to worst (20) and why you rated them this way. 2. What is it about these websites that is interesting, compelling, motivating, easy to find, simple to buy tickets or product, uninteresting, not enough information, hard to figure out, etc. 3. Provide a link and give a detailed evaluation paragraph of each of the websites. 4. What does the website look like to you? Describe. Why you think it is good, great, not good, terrible, etc. What do you like? What is missing? As a consumer, would you buy? Why or why not?
EVALUATION: For this assignment students will be graded on the thorough comprehensiveness and clarity on each of the websites evaluated. Grammar, spelling, and punctuation will affect the grade. Make sure that each website IS A SPORT/RECREATIONAL PROGRAM or ACTIVE TOURISM service/business and that you describe it in detail.

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