Assessment 1. Questions: Choose one of the following and respond. 1. After exp

Assessment 1.
Choose one of the following and respond.
1. After experiencing boarder closures during the COVID-19 pandemic, should states and territories continue to have the power to shut their boarders to other states and territories?
Using a minimum of 3 academic peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles, you must take a position, defend and justify that position in the context of Australia’s liberal democracy. You have 700 words plus or minus 10% (inclusive of in-text references – exclusive of List of References).
Weighting: 40%
Your response:
Must be an essay.
Must have an introduction (70 – 80 words approx.)
Must be in paragraph format and include:
A topic sentence (the first sentence which is usually linked to your position statement or thesis.
At least one supporting evidence sentence (this is where I will find at least 1 reference for that sentence.
A concluding/linking sentence.
Must have a conclusion which should consist of a very brief overview of the key points argued/discussed (no more that 60 words and no new information) and restate your thesis or position.
Must have a list of all references (Reference List) used in the body of the argument/discussion to support your position/thesis (a minimum of 3 academic peer-reviewed scholarly articles.
Must have Harvard Style referencing in both in-text and the Reference List.

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