Week 2 Before preparing your response to this week’s discussion topic please wat

Week 2
Before preparing your response to this week’s discussion topic please watch this video, a crash course in biological molecules:
You must post a personal response to the discussion. Pick a type of food that you enjoy. Before you start researching, state a hypothesis about the nutritional content of this food. Remember that a hypothesis is a tentative explanation of an observation (and it may be wrong), and a good hypothesis is specific. Then summarize what you learned from your research. Include an image of at least one molecule found in this food and briefly describe that molecule in terms of the atoms it is made of and potentially the chemical bonds that keep the atoms together. Is this a beneficial molecule to consume? Explain why. Did your research support your hypothesis? Your personal response must be a minimum of 150 words (more is OK) and must address each of the components stated in the prompt. If any sources for are consulted for the preparation of the personal response or if any material is quoted or referenced in the response, citations (in APA format) for the sources must be included at the end of the personal response.

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