UK With reference to the priority area covered in the module, write a reflectiv

With reference to the priority area covered in the module, write a reflective report synthesizing aspects of professional values and practice, drawing on theoretical frameworks, supported and exemplified with evidence drawn from practice and beyond. Elements of the report could include journal entries and case studies as appropriate.
The assignment title should follow the following format:
How is the government educational priority of Race, ethnicity and racism impacting teaching and learning of pupils and within schools?
Word Count: 4000 words
The module will analyse the role of the professional teacher and practitioner within the context of changing policies and priorities in education. In line with changed priorities in education, it will identify teaching and learning strategies that can be selected and used to ensure the learning and well-being of those in education. The module will provide trainee teachers, practising teachers and others in education with the opportunity to reflect critically upon the professional values and practices necessary to provide an effective learning environment that supports the diverse needs of children and young people.
Indicative content includes topics such as the ones listed below: Cognitive Load Theory and Metacognition
Challenging Bullying
Pupil Premium – closing the gap – supporting underperforming groups of pupils.

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