Instructions: 1. All work has to be done in the STATA program + Docs file. (!)

1. All work has to be done in the STATA program + Docs file. (!) approximately 3000 words (not more/fewer 10%=300words)
2. First of all read file (ECM303_304 INDIVIDUAL 2022-23 externally vetted final.docx) – here you will find all the information and questions.
3. Secondly, check the file descriiption of the dataset- so you will understand the data represented.
4. Since this project aims to use STATA program I attached 2 .dta files with which you will work (.zip file)
5. In total there are 7 questions which have to be answered.
6. Formatting Guidelines:
You will be asked to submit three files: one PDF file containing your answers and a copy of your commands from your do-file, and both of your Stata data files. No other file is needed. Do not copy-paste regression output (or any other table) from Stata. Tables and Figures must be self-explanatory.
7. Do not make print screens from STATA, create tables from STATA and transfer information to your .docs file.
8. In total I will need to submit 3 files. PLEASE READ THE FILE (ECM303_304 INDIVIDUAL 2022-23 externally vetted final.docx)
9. I have attached a copy of a .zip file with datasets which you have to work with.

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