Functional Behavior Assessment Observation Using the same individual whom you b

Functional Behavior Assessment Observation
Using the same individual whom you began with the functional assessment interview, conduct TWO observations (structured AND unstructured setting) of the individual in a variety of situations indicated by the interview to be associated with problem behavior. During the observation, data should be collected as indicated in the previous assignment. Summarize the data collected and the observations. Then, meeting with at least 2 stakeholders (e.g., parent, teacher), share the observations and information and, as a team, develop hypothesis statements regarding the possible functions of the problem behaviors.
Submit a narrative summary of the observations, a synthesis of this information with the interviews from the previous assignments (including potential distant variables such as setting events), information about the process you used to develop hypotheses, and conclude the narrative with hypotheses statements about the function(s) of the behaviors. Also submit the raw data collected and a visual representation (e.g., graph) of the data collected.
Describe the classroom environment:
Describe any initiations of communication to others you observed:
Describe any responses to others’ communication you observed:
Social Skills Observations:
Describe the students interactions with peers including the types of prompts he needed
to interact with peers.
Teaching Strategies:
Describe the types of prompts the student required:
In a 10-minute period, estimate or count (specify which) how many prompts the student
required to remain engaged and complete a task.
Based on your observations, what types of activities or items are most reinforcing for
this student?
Conclusions: (Briefly sum up your observations and provide suggestions about future programming).

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