Attached will be my paper that need to be revised. I will add the notes my teac

Attached will be my paper that need to be revised. I will add the notes my teacher gave me and the paper that I wrote. I need you to update it.
Below is the notes my teacher did. Would you be able to add more words and fix the required notes my teacher gave me.
Feedback from teacher
Hi Alonte, this is a good start and I look forward to reading the final version of your paper! Now, the format of this submission should be just standard paper format (rather than outline format). So the main thing I’m looking for is to see an interesting macroeconomic topic that allows you to relate and develop concepts from the course–which you’ve done. The big temptation to resist is incorporating too much basic textbook type stuff and instead to focus on extrapolating your own economic reasoning. One important path is to explore the implications for 2023. Each paper needs to have at least one graph, preferably in the appendix, to explain the economic principle or one aspect of the concept that discussed in the paper. I have completed the rubric so you may find your grade based upon the rubric.

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