Upload a comprehensive report (Word document) that contains the following parts:

Upload a comprehensive report (Word document) that contains the following parts:
Intro to Your Project: CASE STUDY 1 – Health Analytics – Immunization Case Study
Step 1: Business Problem Understanding
Step 2: Data Understanding and Collection
Step 3: Data Preparation and Feature Selection
Step 4: Modeling Development
Step 5: Model Evaluation and Interpretation
Step 6: Model and Results Communication
Step 7: Model Deployment
Summary of findings & Conclusion
Note that you must use a provided template.
***I HAVE TO CREATE A 10- 20-minutes Pitch Video: video presentation of the Project. Any pointers, example or actual pitch will be appreciated.
Case Study – Health Analytics – Immunization Case Study
Question: Which factors best determine whether a patient will receive a flu shot immunization?
NotesThe target (y) is FluShotVaccine.
One advantage is that the model can handle varying input and target with a decision tree. But you can also use Logistic Regression. Do the following before creating a model, Detect Missing Data, and if there is any, you need to (replace, impute, or remove) them. The decision of which method to use is up to you — as long as you provide a rational explanation of your decision.
Detect Outliers – remove these outliers from your data and explain how you accomplished this step.
Must use more than one model (minimum of two, preferable three)
Must use the following metrics to evaluate the model: Confusion Matrix
Receiver Operator Characteristics (ROC)
Lift Chart
Finally, I assume that you select the best model based on the above metrics and explain your decision in detail.
Most importantly, interpret your findings and backup your conclusion with screenshots from RapidMiner (Confusion Matrix, Accuracy, Precision, Recall, ROC, and Lift Chart)

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