Paper Requirements and Instructions: Please complete a paper based on the conten

Paper Requirements and Instructions:
Please complete a paper based on the content of this course, such as the WTO disputes and other world trade related topics.
I. General Instructions
The paper is to be written in English. All content may not EXCEED 1,500 words (exclude citation). You have to indicate the word total at the end of each of your answers. Any answer that exceeds 1,500 words will face a penalty of 1% for every 50 words.
• Font: Arial 11pt or Times New Roman 12pt  • Line spacing: 1.2 – 1.5pt
II. Submission of the exam paper 
• Only Microsoft Word document will be accepted.
• The submitted Microsoft Word document should be named in the following way: Your name+ Major+ Thesis title and send it to The deadline is 30 December, 2022. Late submission will be penalized for each day of delay.
1. Print and submit the hard copy with this cover paper before the deadline.
2. The structure should be clear which generally includes Introduction at the beginning and Conclusion at the end. It will be better if you can share the points you learned from this course.

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