My major is Criminal Justice. This assignment is for my Methods of Sociological

My major is Criminal Justice. This assignment is for my Methods of Sociological Research class. This week, we are focusing on completing the article review assignment. The article review requires you to critique scholarly research.


Select a scholarly journal article based on the topic I’m using for my research proposal paper (info provided below). This should be a scholarly article you plan to include in your final
paper. In your article review, I want you to structure it in the following way:

APA Citation for your Academic Source (worth 5-points)
You should include a citation for your academic source using the APA style guide.
This is the format you will be using for your final research project paper. If you have
questions about how to cite an academic source using the APA style guide, I
recommend that you consult one of the resources below:

APA Style Resource

Overview of Academic Journal Article (worth 10-points)
In a short paragraph (about 5 sentences), you should provide an overview of the academic
source. In this overview, you should include the following:

– Topic and general aim/goal of the academic source
– Methods used by the author(s) to collect data including the sample
– Results/conclusions the author(s) make based on the research that is conducted

Assessment of the Academic Source (worth 30-points)
The remainder of your article review should include ONE paragraph discussing the
strong points of the article and ONE paragraph discussing your criticisms of the article.

In these TWO paragraphs you should focus on some of the following topics:
– Readability of the source
– Targeted population for conducting the research
– Sampling method used by the author(s)
– Methods used by the author(s)
– Areas you see as limitation of the source
This is not an exhaustive list but includes some areas that you can focus on for your
assessment of the academic source.

Writing and Clarity (worth 5-points)
This write-up should be approximately 1 page, double-spaced, 12-point font, and 1-inch

***The topic for my Research Proposal paper is “Immigration in the United States and the Effects.” However, my research question for the paper is “What are New Yorkers’ attitudes toward the effect of the current influx of immigration into New York City on its economy?”

***Please no plagiarizing**** Please use scholarly source that is accessible for free.***
digital_copies_of_sources_used = 0
plagiarism = 0
pref_writer = 0
urgent_writer_assign = 0
version = 4; Technical line. Don’t touch!

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