Is it safe to log onto a wireless network at an airport, library, or other publi

Is it safe to log onto a wireless network at an airport, library, or other public location? It depends on how vigilant you are. Even the wireless network in your home is vulnerable because radio frequency bands are easy to scan. Both Bluetooth and Wi-Fi networks are susceptible to hacking by eavesdroppers. Besides, although cloud computing and the emerging mobile digital platform have the potential to deliver powerful benefits, they pose new challenges to system security and reliability.
You are expected to prepare a research project (e.g. 600 words) about malicious programs (e.g. Shamoon), and the damage being caused to public and private sectors in Saudi Arabia, if any. You also need to to explain relationship between security and latest technologies, such as blockchain, IoT, cloud computing, and digital mobile platforms.
Purpose: The assignment is to promote awareness of various security threats, and to develop a better understanding of how enterprises/business firms improve their security environment via the establishment of a framework for security and control.
Assignment Guideline:
1. Use Time New Roman.
2. Use Font Size 12.
3. Use 1.15 Line Spacing.
Grading Guideline:
5% Content
1% Layout/Style
1% 600 Words (Max)
1% References
2% Submission

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