Final Assignment: Students will be required to submit a written paper for the fi

Final Assignment: Students will be required to submit a written paper for the final examination. This will be in the form of an APA style formatted document, approximately 5 pages in length, not including the required Title Page and Reference Page. The student will select what they believe is the best style of policing. The different styles are discussed in the textbook (Para militarism, Community Oriented, Watchman Style, Legalistic Style, Service Style). The student should explain why they think it is the best style among all the others and use policing examples taken from reliable media sources to help support their selection.

It dosent matter what style of policing you choose! Just make sure you have evidence to back it up. Para militarism, Community Oriented, Watchman Style, Legalistic Style, or Service Style
digital_copies_of_sources_used = 0
plagiarism = 0
pref_writer = 0
urgent_writer_assign = 0
version = 4; Technical line. Don’t touch!

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