5-1 Discussion: Data Collection Methods Subscribe In your initial post, out

5-1 Discussion: Data Collection Methods

In your initial post, outline how you have been thinking about collecting data for your project:
State your identified problem and the goals of your project.
Describe the research methods that you are considering (e.g., interviews, surveys, focus groups, internet search, literature search, previously collected data at the organization, etc.) to measure your project’s goals.
Why are you considering those methods? (In your response, consider your target population and organization.)
What research data or information have you collected so far in your project?
Where did you collect your data or information?
In your responses to your peers, select peers who are working at a similar organization or with a population similar to the one in your practical experience (or with a project or initiative in public health that you might be familiar with from previous experience or coursework). In your response, explain the connection you have to your peers’ projects. Explain how the research methods that your peers selected are different from or similar to yours. What advice would you offer to your peers to enhance their data collection plan?
To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric PDF document.

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