Write a pargraph to provide context to what building you selected and why you selected it.

Architectural Renderings
The featured chapter for Module 3 is architecture because all of us encounter some form (or multiple forms) of architecture on a daily basis. Chapter 14 delves into structural forms in architecture, provides historical context, and situates architecture within society. You are introduced to significant buildings in architecture through images in the text. And through a photo essay in the outside reading, you are introduced to Samara, the Usonian home designed by Frank Lloyd Wright located on Northwestern in West Lafayette.
For this assignment, you will spend time with one building and will depict that building using your choice of media.
To complete the assignment, you will:
Choose one building. The building can be on campus, in your hometown, in a small town, in a big city, or any place of your choosing. Spend time with it. Walk around it. Walk in it if you can. What do you notice? What is its most distinguishing feature?
Depict the building using your choice of art material. Artwork should take you a minimum of one hour to complete. You can use the media you read about in your choice chapter, or you can use another material for convenience. Suggestions include:
Drawing- create a drawing using pencil, ball point pen, charcoal, marker, pastels on paper
Painting- create a painting using watercolors on paper, oil on canvas, acrylic on paper or canvas
Printmaking- create a relief print using craft foam with water based markers, gelli plate using acrylic paint, linoleum using ink
Sculpture- create an additive sculpture using assemblage materials, a subtractive sculpture by carving into soap or soft wood, or model a sculpture using clay
Craft- create a work using stained glass, clay, or metal
Design- create an illustration of the building using illustrator
Time based- create a movie of your building
IF YOU CHOOSE PHOTOGRAPHY- create a photo essay of 10 photographs (minimum) to capture the building from different angles and place in a word doc along with textual descriptions and captions for each photo to narrate your experience, similar to the photo essay you read for your outside reading. Consider the way in which the outside reading uses a series of photographs and text to tell the story of Samara.
Again, take your time with this assignment. You should spend a minimum of one hour creating your work.
When you are done, take a photograph(s) or scan your artwork. Make sure the photo or scan quality is clear and well lit so I can see the work.
Write a pargraph to provide context to what building you selected and why you selected it.

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