Research paper rubric

Each student must prepare a formal 5-page paper on an emergent research topics in the field of logistics and supply chain management. For instance, topics could include:
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Supply Chain Management
Blockchain and Supply Chain Management
COVID-19 and Supply Chain Management
Internet of things (IoT) and Supply Chain Management
Topic of Choice – “Reverse Logistics as a Competitive Advantage”
Supply Chain Disruption
Supply Chain Resiliency
Supply Chain Risk Management
Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) as a Competitive Advantage
Your instructor must approve specific topics in advance.
Your paper, which is worth 300 points will be submitted through SafeAssign, an originality detection service, and will be evaluated based on the criteria in the rubric linked in the submission activity and includes the following:
Quality and depth of content
Organization of the report
Overall format, i.e., typed, use of page numbers, title page, table of contents, appropriate labels on figures and tables, etc.
Correct grammar and evidence of proofing, i.e., no spelling errors
Variety and documentation of references used. Format for citations and references must follow APA guidelines
Review the Research Paper Rubric and grading point breakdown for your research report.
Helpful information and specific tutorials, documents, and links to numerous research and writing resources are available in the course. You are encouraged to utilize these resources to better equip you in producing course assignments.
To access this information, go to Student Help & Services, located in the Course Main Menu section.
Research Paper Rubric
(Exceeds Standards:
Introduction/Topic Focus – Strong introduction of topic’s key question(s), terms. Clearly delineates subtopics to be reviewed. Specific thesis statement.
Integration of knowledge – The paper demonstrates that the author fully understands and has applied concepts learned in the course. Concepts are integrated into the writer’s own insights. The writer provides concluding remarks that show analysis and synthesis of ideas
Cohesiveness – Ties together information from all sources. Paper flows from one issue to the next. Author’s writing demonstrates an understanding of the relationship among material obtained from all sources.
Conclusion – Strong review of key conclusions. Strong integration with thesis statement. Insightful discussion of impact of the researched material on topic.
Grammar &
Mechanics – The paper is free of grammatical errors and spelling & punctuation.
APA Style/Citation & References – No errors in APA style. Scholarly style. Writing is flowing and easy to follow. All references and citations are correctly written and present.
I have attached the Outline I created at the beginning of the year. Feel free to change it and let me know if there are any other questions.

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