You must write a 3-4-page critical analysis paper on kingsley davis′ and wilbert moore′s reading ″some principles of stratification.″ here are some helpful tips: you must provide a discussion of the reading emphasizing davis′ and moore′s main argument.

You must write a 3-4-page critical analysis paper on Kingsley Davis′ and Wilbert Moore′s reading ″Some Principles of Stratification.″ Here are some helpful tips: You must provide a discussion of the reading emphasizing Davis′ and Moore′s main argument. In other words, you must elaborate on the take-home message Davis and Moore wants their readers to understand.The critical analysis paper is an opportunity for you to analyze their argument in the reading and then provide a critique of the main idea. In other words, you need to answer whether Davis and Moore′s argument is compelling and explain why it is convincing or not by developing your argument. The most important thing is that you offer an original critique of their argument. Please make sure that you follow the Writing A CriticalAnalysisPaper guide on blackboard. Please do not summarize the reading because that is not the purpose of the assignment.Please refer to the critical analysis paper rubric and the sample for guidance.

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