Write bio lab report results and discussion section.

Write Bio lab report Results and Discussion Section.
I have attached what my friend did, you can refer it, to see what’s the right way, and what should be covered. But you cannot paraphrase from it, and we must expand from it.
You will need to re-make the graphs – should be just like peers’, but re make through excel by our own. The results section’s structure should be the same but different wordings, and add more (should be 1000+ words); our discussion should keep the key ideas but total word count should be over 1200. References cannot be the same either.
I have also attache the lab’s original data, I gave you in excel already, this is the original not sorted, you will need it when doing some screenshots, etc.
just to avoid some misunderstandings,
The sample given is my peer’s , which, your idea could be similar, but should expand on the given sample and do not use the same references, need to change structure, etc..

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