Write a smart goal for your student regarding the transition.

For this final project, you will need to select a student that is transitioning from Infant Toddler Program into a Developmental Preschool, a student transitioning from a school-age IEP (6-14), or a Student transitioning to an 18-21 program.
You will need to explain the following:
The IDEA citation or law or reasoning why the transition is needed at the level that your student is transitioning from and why they are transitioning.
State the disability the student has and develop a Fact Sheet for the Parents about this disability and what the state criteria are for this disability. Make sure to keep the terminology in terms for parents and not copy from the state manual.
Develop a brochure discussing the program and why it will meet student needs. For example, if a student is transitioning to an 18-21 program, develop a brochure talking about the program. Look at local resources—key terms—developmental preschool, high school special education, 18-21 disability program, PROJECT SEARCH, Vocational Rehab
Locate and report about a transitional assessment and give reasoning on why you have selected this assessment. Give the weblink after your reasoning of where to purchase or the research on a research-based transition assessment.
Write a SMART goal for your student regarding the transition. You will also need to include a Present Level of Performance (PLOP).

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