Why was the nike campaign so successful?

Art & Copy Documentary Questions
WARNING: Some foul language in this film!
The documentary is about 1 hour 30 minutes long and serves as a component of the Module Lecture. Please fill these questions out in their entirety.
Watch this link and answer questions.
1. George Lois feels advertising should be like poison gas. What does he mean by that?
2. What innovation did Bill Bernbach introduce in the way advertising agency staff worked?
3. What does the “Big Idea” mean?
4. Charlie Ross says people who work in the creative side of advertising must have two qualities (Mary Wells had those qualities making her stand out in the advertising industry) what are they and do you agree with him?
5. How were creative people perceived as compared to account executives many years ago?
6. What was special about the Crocker Bank ads? What was the result?
7. Lee Clow criticizes account executives who were willing to produce mediocre work to please clients. Do you agree with his criticism and do you think creative people should be in charge?
8. Why was the MTV campaign so successful?
9. Why was Tommy Hilfiger embarrassed by the advertisements that George Lois created? How did these ads affect his work ethic?
10. What does brutal simplicity in advertising mean and what campaign represents this?
11. How does great advertising start?
12. According to Dan Wieden, where does real risk come from?
13. What is interesting about branding?
14. Per Lee Clow, what were the three reasons why Apple’s “1984” commercial was successful?
15. How did President Ronald Reagan react to Hal Riney’s iconic “Morning in America” television spot?
16. Why were Hal Riney’s political ads the best political ads ever made?
17. How did Nike’s “Just Do It” big idea originate?
18. Why was the Nike campaign so successful?
19. According to Liz Dolan, why is much of advertising considered trashy?
20. What’s your personal takeaway from this film?

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